Thursday 3 November 2022

Thinking Skill Workshop

  Hello Readers!! Here is my blog for the special event and which was the workshop for Thinking Skills by the very good resource person Prof. Milan Pandya. Milan Pandya is a teacher, trainer, and educator in the field of Thinking Skills i.e. Critical, Creative, and Design Thinking, English Language Teaching & Communication Skills. With more than 12 years of teaching experience, Mr. Pandya has authored 02 books and presented and published a number of research papers in national and international conferences and journals. He has taught/trained in numerous Universities/Institutions training more than 30,000 people in Thinking Skills across the world. Mr. Pandya has BA & MA in English Literature, M.Phil. in English Language Teaching (ELT) & his Ph.D. involves study into Online Teaching, Communicative Competence & Critical Thinking. He currently holds the position of Vice President of Advancement at Critical Thinking Solutions company in Ontario, Canada, and teaches at multiple colleges such as Conestoga and Sheridan College in Ontario, Canada.

On 13-14th August 2022, We had a workshop for thinking skills which was by Prof. Milan Pandya sir. It was extremely enriching as well as hard nuts to cracked. Many things were discussed there like,

Critical thinking and Creative thinking,

Critical Thinking and Creative thinking both are having it's own values like the Creative thinking can lead us towards the ideas which are not chewed and also having it's worth within itself. and to examine that we use the critical thinking.

Skeptical and doubtful

Logical, rational and scientific

The Speaker also mentioned the great philosopher Socrates. I wanna put here the quote by this man,

"I know you won't believe me but the highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others" - Socrates. Might here he wants to said before he made statement because he is saying that you will not believe me that means he is gonna say something which is not ordinary sort of things. And from his style to expression we can come to know in which level or manner he has used. and he said the excellence is to act of questioning things and also we can have critical corner by only the corner of questioning by various perspectives and flexibility.

Further the speaker gave the definition of critical thinking and that the core I found for myself, 'Thinking about thinking, in order to improve thinking'. Here the act of thinking is fir the act of improving the thinking process that how we think in certain kind of patterns and flows.

Also, he talked about 'Facts' and 'Opinions' by their nature. As per understanding of that Facts are those which are not going to changed ever, and Opinions are those which can change anytime.

"If something is true, What else has to be true in that"

Possible and Plausible

The crux of all Or the flame for me was that slide which was containing.

"Your teacher might be wrong. Learn to think for yourself".-Tao Te Ching

Milan sir talked about it very clearly, How we can think and how we should think for ourselves rather than not believing in the things which are told to us and taught to us by the teachers. 

Thought Experiment

In this slide, we can see that there are so many objects together that come out. And we had done the activity of it too. It was kind we have to find out various categories the objects can be put under that. And we found it's like a limitless thoughts process that is going on and on in our brain and we can find more and more categories. Which were like very different and so many.
Then there was those hard nuts that we were not able cracked very easily. In that sir gave scenario to us and we have to think a lot with like lot of struggle even. By that we got the glimpse of how criticism and creative thinking skills are difficult to have. And also at very last he told that It's the life skill not only thinking skills. Because "You are what you are, because of Thinking"

Bunch of thanks to Dr. Dilip Barad sir for organized this wonderful workshop and also to resource person.


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