Thursday 3 November 2022

Final Solution


Final Solutions

Mahesh Dattani is an Indian director, actor, playwright, and writer. He wrote such plays as Final Solutions, Dance Like a Man, Bravely Fought the Queen, On a Muggy Night in Mumbai, Tara, Thirty Days in September, and The Big Fat City. He is the first playwright in English to be awarded the Sahitya Akadami Award.

The theme of gender discrimination is dominant in the drama. It circles around the grave and traditional issues of gender bias. The issue of cultural discrimination and injustice against women has been elaborately and comprehensively dealt by Dattani in the play.

Mahesh Dattani's Works :

His plays deal with gender identity, gender discrimination, and communal tensions. The play 'Tara' deals with gender discrimination, '30 Days in September' tackles the issue of child abuse head on, and 'Final Solutions' is about the lingering echoes of the partition.
Basically, this play Final Solutions is based on the communal riots and there are many stuffs which can be examine under the various aspects like minority vs majority, Hindu vs Muslim, past vs present, liberality vs bigoted etc. And it has story of a Gujarati family.

Here I would like to put some observations of the play by various literary figures.

In her analysis of the play, Deepali Agarwal observes:

Mahesh Dattani puts the eternal question with his play Final Solutions that every now and then rankles our consciousness – are human beings really humane. It propels us to perennial problems as to what’s that we should have priorities – our religion, our perennial ideals or our compassion for other human beings. (Agarwal, Deepali: 81)

Alyque Padamsee (Directed of the play) comments:

As I see it, this is a play about transferred resentment. About looking for a scope goal to hit out when we feel let down and humiliated. Taking your anger on your wife, children, or servants is an old Indian custom. This is above all a play about a family with its simmering undercurrents.” (Padmasee: 161)

1.)What is the significance of the subtitle "The Final Solutions"?

When we see the title of the play “Final Solutions”. We find that at the very first look we can assume that it could be the solutions of some issues or it can be the interpretation of salvation of souls even. But it is about hatred and bitterness of Hindus and Muslims against each other. In the play we can see that there many issues around the characters and the plots its selves. Communal crisis happening there and it has started and it is still going on so there was no final solution to stop it and flawlessly it will go on. So we can say that author has given the title in the paradoxical way like we find that there must be a solution but in the play we see there is no such finalized solution to get rid of these kind of crisis.

2.)Do you think Mahesh Dattani’s “The Final Solutions” makes any significant changes in society?

“The Final Solutions” is the dealing with the burning social and communism riots. There are the characters and they representing various aspects of it. The mob or chorus are representing the hatred towards majority and minority. Or somehow it is symbolizing the whole society and it’s psyche towards one and another. The play has come into the year of 1993 but when we look at the present time scenario, we still feel the same things but in the different ways may be. So, if people are having courage to change the society and the way to treat each other, to behave in a such manner, to learn from the literature then only it can be helpful to the society in the better way. Because this the attempt that can make us aware that how we are threatened and having hatred in people’s hearts.

Hardika, in her diary entry, she mentions:

After forty years … I opened my diary again. And I wrote a dozen pages before. A dozen pages now. A young girl childish scribble. An old man’s shaky scrawl, yes, the things have not changed that much. (Act I) .The dialogue itself speaks a lot.

5.)Is Ramnik a liberal thinker? If yes then why? If not then why?

At certain points we feel Ramnik is a liberal thinker and at some points we don’t agree even to our own arguments. Like when we became ready to rescue these both the Muslim boys and even the family members were his against so at that time, we feel his liberality but when the truth reveals at the end we feel very opposite of that same person. When there is the revelation period we find him not liberal rather than we feel him as selfish because ultimately he was doing this kind of help to these boys for himself only cause he only knew the truth so he wanted to be free from that prison of thoughts and acts.

3.)How are the beginning and the end of the movie? Do you feel the effect of communal disturbance in the movie?

An innovative narrative technique + The major dramatic events

It starts with recalling the past within the present. We can say the third act is the climax of the story. When it witnessed the truth behind everything. There is the dialogue of the Chorus also shouts, “Our future is threatened. There is so much that is fading away. We cannot complement about the glorious past seeing us safely through.” (Act III)

So there is communal disturbance we feel at both points.

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