Tuesday, 26 October 2021

To a Skylark Wordsworth vs shelley

 To a Skylark

Wordsworth versus shelley

William Wordsworth

Life of William Wordsworth

Wordsworth was an English romantic poet pioneer English romanticism.

Wordsworth published "Lyrical Ballads" in 


Major works of Wordsworth

Simon Lee

We are Seven

I traveled among unknown men

Lucy Gray

The Two April Mornings

The Solitary Reaper

The Ruined Cottage


The Kitten at Play

Poems, in Two Volumes 

Resolution and Independence

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

London, 1802

The Prelude 

 To  the Skylark 

                     _william Wordsworth

About poem

The speaker asks the bird skylark if he hates the earth as it is always flying in the sky. Or does he still think of home while flying high? He praises him for being able to make music even though he cannot drop into his home at will.

The skylark is a daring songbird since it flies so high into the sky. There is a strong bond between him and his home. The songs he sings in the sky spread throughout the plains. He sings independently of the seasons.

The speaker tells the skylark to leave the nightingale to her dark forest. He has all the glorious light to himself. He floods the land with his divine songs. He is wise that raises high but remains connected to his roots, remaining true to both the sky and the earth.


The setting of the poem is the wide sky. Though there are instances when the earth is mentioned, most of the poem takes place in the sky. After all, ‘sky’ is there in the name of the bird the poem is about.


The poem is made of two stanzas of five lines each.

Rhyme: The poem follows the rhyme scheme ABABCC. The last words of the first and third lines, of second and fourth lines, and the fifth and sixth lines, rhyme with each other.

Percy bysshe shelley

Born : 4th August, 1792

Died : 8th July, 1822

was one of the major English Romantic poets. American literary critic Harold Bloom describes him as "a superb craftsman, a lyric poet without rival.

Notable works


The revolt Islam

Hymn to the intellectual beauty

The Devil's walk: a ballad

To a Skylark


Was published in 1820. Shelley was influenced to write " To a Skylark" from a song of a real Skylark , heard in Italy 1820

                 Bird= spirit

The bird is like "a poet hidden in the light of thought".

Skylark is greatest natural metaphor for pure poetic expression.

"The harmonious madness".


The eccentric song has five lines each stanza. 

All follows same pattern .

Rhyme scheme: ABABB


The Heroic

The power of nature

The power of the human mind.


Vachchhalata Joshi


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